Wednesday, 4 November 2009

How Much Protein do you need??

Even those with limited knowledge on protein and protein supplements are at least very much aware of the fact that protein is vital to the body for life. The facts are that we need protein for the growth and repair of tissues in our bodies. This process of growth and repair speeds up when somebody exercises. Protein and protein supplements in particular are essential in this case. In other words, if a person is involved in workouts or regular strenuous activity, chances are very high that they do not get enough protein from their regular food diet. So how much is enough protein? There are two different formulas that are popularly used to answer this question. One states that to ensure that the body is burning fat and not protein and is in a positive muscle building state, you will need to ingest a minimum of .9 grams of protein per lean pound of body weight. This means that a 200 lb. man with 12 percent body fat needs 158 grams of protein every day; this is extremely useful information to help you decide how much protein supplementing you require. Another more recent study by the International Journal of Sports Nutrition states that people involved in strength training must get at least 1.6 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram or per 2.2 pounds of bodyweight per day. This translates to .7 grams per pound, meaning that a 200 pound person requires 140 grams of protein daily. It is therefore safe to say that we should consume between .7 grams and .9 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. Generally women have a higher amount of body fat than men and therefore this means that they should observe the lower end of the scale in terms of protein intake. Whey protein is the best form of protein to take when taking protein supplements. This is because it is derived from milk protein but unlike the normal milk protein, it does not contain fat or lactose sugar. This means that you are able to get all the advantages of protein without the excess baggage other proteins come with, like fat and lactose. Studies have also shown that Whey protein can increase blood levels of glutathione. Glutathione is essential to a healthy immune system. It is important to note that generally taking protein supplements will not make you fat, in fact it can greatly help a person who is on a diet. This is because the amino acids generated by the protein supplements in your body helps keep your blood sugar levels stable. This is important to keep you from craving for food which tends to happen when your blood sugar levels drops. It is also important to note that if you are on a diet, getting your protein from a protein supplement is much better than getting it from a big meal which may have hundreds of calories that you do not really need. Benefits of protein supplements include, building muscle mass, speeding recovery time for patients, reducing injuries related to working out and maintaining a healthy and fit body Get more of the latest information from Mike’s Health supplements site [].

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