Saturday, 14 November 2009

Herbs and Spices to the Rescue of Your Health!

There are many herbs and spices that are beneficial to keeping the body functioning at its absolute best. In order to remain as healthy as possible, you should consume as many herbs and spices as possible every day. Turmeric is a spice that not everyone is familiar with. Turmeric is a yellow spice that is most often to be found in mustards manufactured in the United States. Turmeric is also a staple of many Indian dishes. Turmeric is a healthy spice that has anti-inflammatory properties, and also works as an antioxidant. These properties help turmeric to prevent the development of cancer. Turmeric goes to work to help get rid of the many symptoms that can accompany arthritis, as well as tendonitis, autoimmune disorders and a selection of other disorders that involve any degree of inflammation such as swelling in muscles or joints. Fresh or dried peppermint is especially beneficial for a number of stomach ailments from heartburn to indigestion to nausea. Peppermint is very soothing to the stomach and entire digestive tract. Studies have shown that it is able to help rid sufferers or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) of many of their symptoms. Peppermint has been shown to be effective in slowing the growth of many types of bacteria and fungi and it is effective as well for those who suffer from respiratory problems, such as asthma and allergies. Peppermint can be brewed as a tea or it can be purchased in pill form. Individuals who suffer on a regular basis from upset stomach or nausea would benefit from the consumption of peppermint in one form or another. Cayenne pepper, also known as chili pepper, red pepper or paprika is a fiery type of pepper that is used to help several organs. Pepper has been found beneficial in moderating many types of stomach ailments, such as stomach aches related to any number of causes, gas and many different types of heart problems. Cayenne pepper is effective at lowering cholesterol and it improves the circulation of blood and is believed to be beneficial in preventing circulatory disease. Cayenne pepper decreases the possibility that the blood will clot, which can help to prevent deadly blood clots forming, especially after surgery. Cayenne pepper is also beneficial when a person is suffering from a toothache. The advantages of cayenne pepper do not end there. Cayenne pepper has been shown through research studies to be effective at alleviating migraine headaches. For migraine sufferers the cayenne cream is applied directly to the inside of the nose. Be aware that if you do this you should apply a very small quantity and some people's noses are too sensitive for cayenne. Cayenne pepper can help to improve blood circulation. It can also be applied to the skin topically as a way to alleviate pain connected with rheumatoid arthritis. The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin and this ingredient has found to be effective for those suffering from Fibromylagia. As a cream cayenne can be applied to painful muscles and joints but be aware that sometimes cayenne cream causes a burning sensation on the skin and if it gets into the eyes it can cause some pain. Scott Meyers is a staff writer for Its Entirely Natural, a resource for helping you achieve a naturally healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may contact our writers through the web site. Follow this link for more information on Food Cures.

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